Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Best Runing Shoes For Flat Feet

Why People Are Looking For The Best Runing Shoes For Flat Feet

Family Foot & Ankle Center SC  - ,Contact UsHomeAbout Your PodiatristServicesFormsNew_Page436 E. Longview Dr, Suite A · Appleton, WI 54911
920.733.5345 · Fax: 920.733.1390 Contact UsHomeAbout Your PodiatristConditionsFAQLatest News from Dr. HalversonRecommended LinksContact UsNew Page Dr. Dirk S. HalversonWhy are my nails thick and Discolored?Does insurance cover my visit to the Podiatrist?What insurance does Family Foot and Ankle Center accepts? What causes bunions to develop?How do I pick out the right shoes?Way am I developing Corns and Callouses?When I get up from my chair my heel hurts, What could this be?Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist?

 Why are my nails thick and discolored?

Nails that are thick and discolored usually indicate a common nail infection..  Fungus infection of the nails will make them thick, yellow and crumbly.  This is an infection that can be effectually treated today.  We have oral medications that are effective, have only a limited side effects and may even be taken with many other medication.  If you are thinking of treated your nails, a simple blood test and a sample of the nails needs to be taken to confirm the fungus infection.Does insurance cover my visit to the Podiatrist? Most insurances treat your visit to the podiatrist just like any other visit to your family physician.  There are cases, just like at your family physicians office, were certain procedures or medical devices might not be covered.  At Family Foot and Ankle Center, Dr. Halverson will make every effort to let you know if a service or device may not be covered under your insurance plan prior to you receiving that device or service.What insurance does Family Foot and Ankle Center accepts?

At Family Foot and Ankle Center we accept most insurances.  We do participate in United Health Care, Trilogy, WEA, Aenta, Anthem, BCBS, Cigna, Medicare, Wisconsin Medicaid programs, Network Health, GEHA, WPS, Health EOS Plans, and Interplan Groups.  There are many more that we accept and participate in.  Please give us a call if you not sure that we work with your plan and we will more than happy to make sure we are in network prior to your visit.What causes bunions to develop?

Most people assume that bunions are a result of wearing poor fitting shoes.  Although this can help speed the development of bunions, bunions are caused by the mechanical working of the foot.  When the foot functions in this manner, it allows the bones to move more then they are designed to and a muscle imbalance occurs.  This will lead to the development of a bunion.  Most people think that you inherit the bunion but it is more accurate to say that you inherit the foot type that allows bunions to develop.How do I pick out the right shoes?

There is no simple answer to this question.  Pick out the right shoe has gotten easier over the recent years with more activity specific shoes coming on the market.  The key to getting the best shoe is to ask yourself a few questions.  First, what will I be using the shoe for?  Shoe companies have research the needs of individual activities in recent years.  Because of this, if you are purchasing shoe for running, you should only look at running shoe.  This may seem simple but many people purchase a cross trainer, or walking shoe because they look better, etc. for running only.  This can lead to having problems with your feet that if you purchased a running shoe you would not have had because of design differences.

The second question is am I going to use these best runing shoes for flat feet for more than one activity.  In my opinion, walking shoe are the best all around shoe to purchase if it is going to be used for all types of activities.  The vast majority of our time is spend walking.  It is still more appropriate to purchase and activity specific shoe if you are going to do that activity most of the time.

Another question is what size are my feet?  This may seen obvious, but most people assume their size.  Measure your feet each and every time you purchase shoes. Remember that just because you measure an 8, you may need a 9 or even 10 in certain brands of shoes.  If you have any questions about your new shoes please bring them in and we will evaluate them for you.

 Why am I developing Corns or Callouses?

Corns and callouses develop for two reasons.  The first is pressure.  The pressure can be cause by weightbearing or by bony prominence.  With the added pressure on the skin,  the skin reacts to protect itself.  It does this by putting layers of tough skin over the top of the area.  This is a corn or callous.  You can remove the corn but if the pressure is still there the corn will return.  The second reason for corns and callouses is friction.  This will cause the same skin reaction.

 When I get up from my chair my heel hurts, What could this Be?

There can be many causes of heel pain.  The most common one is a condition called Plantar Fasciitis.  The common symptoms include pain upon getting up from a chair or out of bed, pain in the center or inside bottom of the heel and pain worsing as the days goes on.  All heel pain should be evaluate by your podiatrist or healthcare provider as there are serious conditions that can mimic the more common conditions seen in the heel.  If you have been suffering with heel pain please call us today.Click here for  Free offer to New Patients

 Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist?

You will only need a referral if your insurance requires you to get one in order to see a specialist.  Most people will not require a referral but if you have any questions, with a simple call to our office we will be able to help you determine if the referral in necessary.Join our monthly e-newsletter.  Your information will not be shared with any other entityTo review our monthly e-newletter please click below:Family Foot and Ankle Center e-newsletter Archive
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